Interventional Care

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Collectively SHEA members are dealing with many issues as they actively respond to COVID-19. The SHEA COVID-19 Town Halls are meant to provide a platform to share ideas and ask questions in a discussion moderated by SHEA Past President, David Henderson, MD at the NIH. During the Town Hall, the panelists will answer questions based on what they are doing in their facilities. Attendees can submit questions in advance as well as during the Town Hall. The goal is to enable as much sharing of ideas as possible as we are all in this together.
As commented by the current Town Hall moderator and Past-President, Dr. David Henderson, “ Dr. David Weber has been the anchor for these past COVID-19 Town Halls, often providing us with the latest data on a particular COVID-19 topic of interest.” There is no one else on the Town Hall list of panelists who have served so faithfully and with such distinction these past 60 sessions, which began on March 29, 2020.
We are most privileged and honored to have Dr. Weber as one of our PDI expert consultants. A physician epidemiologist we all look up to with the highest regard as one of the world’s leading experts on the COVID-19 pandemic, and a most valuable resource on infection prevention and control strategies in general.
The Town Halls scheduled for the remainder of 2021 will be held on 12/5 and 12/19 beginning at 3 PM ET. Register today by visiting the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) website here.