The Use of 3.15% Chlorhexidine Gluconate/70% Alcohol Hub Disinfection to Prevent Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections in Dialysis Patients.

Type: Abstract

The Use of 3.15% Chlorhexidine Gluconate/70% Alcohol Hub Disinfection to Prevent Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections in Dialysis Patients


The abstract, which was presented at Association for Vascular Access Annual Scientific Meeting in September 2018, examined the removal of 70% alcohol swabs and alcohol hub disinfecting caps, then replacing with swabs containing 3.15% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG)/70% alcohol (IPA) for central line hub disinfection and vascular graft access skin disinfection

Results: Prevantics® Device Swab trial resulted in a statistically significant reduction in CLABSIs compared to the pre-implementation period.

Cooney-Abstract AVA 2018

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