PDI Perspective Podcast: COVID-19 Learnings and Preparation for Influenza

Author: Cath Murphy, PhD

Categories: Clinical Pathogens/Alerts, General Infection Prevention & Podcasts November 11, 2020
PDI Perspective Podcast 1

PDI’s Marc-Oliver Wright, MT(ASCP), MS, CIC, FAPIC, interviews Cath Murphy RN, Grad Cert Man, DipAppSci (Nurs), BAppSci (Nurs), BPhotog, MPH, PhD, CIC, F-APIC, CICP-E, former APIC President, a Carole DeMille recipient, and currently Standards Manager for The Australian College of PeriOperative Nurses (ACORN), in this podcast COVID-19 Learnings and Preparation for Influenza.

In this interview, Cath discusses infection prevention measures Australia implemented while navigating the COVDI-19 pandemic and the onset of flu season.


Cath Murphy RN, Grad Cert Man, DipAppSci (Nurs), BAppSci (Nurs), BPhotog, MPH, PhD, CIC, F-APIC, CICP-E
Cath Murphy, Standards Manager, ACORN Standards Manager, The Australian College of PeriOperative Nurses


Cath Murphy PhD is a registered nurse currently with the Australian College of Perioperative Nurses(ACORN) as the ACORN Standards Manager. In that role, Cath is responsible for leading and overseeing the development and promotion of ACORNs professional standards, which currently includes but is not limited to the Standards for Perioperative Nursing in Australia (the Standards) now in their 16th edition, ACORN Professional Standards and the Practice Audit Tools (PATs).

Cath’s career over several decades has covered senior infection prevention positions within the clinical, government, non-government and professional associations in her home country Australia and internationally. She is an Honorary Adjunct Assoc. Professor at Bond University on the Gold Coast, Australia. For more than 20 years Cath has provided independent consulting services to a range of clinical, public policy, professional associations and commercial clients throughout the world.

Career highlights include working in the USA at the CDC, consulting for the World Health Organization and serving as the elected APIC President in 2010.

In 2016 Cath became the first non-North American to be awarded APIC’s esteemed Carole de Mille Award for lifetime excellence in and dedication to the field of infection prevention. She is currently a credentialed ACIPC expert, holds the US CIC certification and is a fellow of APIC.

Cath’s passion for improving patient safety through better and smarter infection control and prevention is unrelenting. Cath’s ideas are innovative and practical. She looks forward to learning from and giving reliable, high-quality service to her professional peers and colleagues particularly those involved in infection control and prevention and perioperative care and nursing.

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